Exchange Resource Rooms and Calendars PowerShell CMDlets
Disable Double Booking of Meeting Rooms
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity ‘room’ -AllowConflicts:$false
Disable Double Booking on all Meeting Rooms
Get-Mailbox | where {$_.ResourceType -eq “Room” } | Set-CalendarProcessing -AllowConflicts:$false
Get Status of Meeting Rooms Calendars
Get-CalendarProcessing -Identity room | fl
Get Calendar Permissions for user
Grant read rights to the calendar in the “MeetingRoom” calendar
Add-MailboxFolderPermission MeetingRoom@domain.local:\calendar -User Default -AccessRights reviewer
Grant members of the AD group Admins read and write access to the calendar.
(The AD group must be mail enabled and cannot be hidden from the address book when executing the command).
Add-MailboxFolderPermission MeetingRoom@domain.local:\calendar -User Admins -AccessRights editor
Remove access rights for the default user on mailbox
Remove-MailboxFolderPermission MeetingRoom@domain.local:\calendar -User Default -AccessRights editor
Set Reviewer permissions to the default account
Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity MeetingRoom@domain.local:\Calendar -User Default -AccessRights Reviewer