Message Tracking CMDlets

Exchange Message Tracking PowerShell CMDlets Search by Message ID Get-ExchangeServer | get-messagetrackinglog -MessageID “<messageID>” -Start “5/16/2012 12:01:00 AM” -End “5/16/2012 11:59:00 PM” | fl Timestamp,ClientIp,ClientHostname,ServerIp,ServerHostname,Source,EventId,MessageId, @{Name=”Recipients”;Expression={$_.recipients}},@{Name=”Recipientstatus”;Expression={$_.recipientstatus}},TotalBytes,MessageSubject,Sender,ReturnPath,MessageLantency Search by Sender Get-ExchangeServer | get-messagetrackinglog -sender -Start “11/15/2012 12:00:00 AM” -End “11/16/2012…

Exchange Event Logs CMDlets

Exchange Event Log Powershell CMDlets To view only the Exchange-related services that are currently running Get-Service *exch* | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq ‘Running’} The following example retrieves the services from every Exchange server in the organization: Get-ExchangeServer | ForEach-Object {Get-Service *exch*…

The Active Sync Device cannot be found

Unable to delete Active Sync Devices in Exchange. Error: The Active Sync Device cannot be found. When you try to remove the mobile partnership in EMC(User Mailbox -> Right click -> Manage Mobile Phone -> Remove mobile phone partnership) you…